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何晓松,博士,中国科学技术大学心理学系(筹)特任研究员。主要从事认知心理学临床相关研究,利用认知测评以及多模态磁共振影像技术,结合网络科学分析方法,探索癫痫等神经系统疾病的发病机制和预后。曾获 American Epilepsy Society Young Investigator Award(2016)等奖项。


于2004年及2011年毕业于中国科学技术大学,分获生命科学学士及生物物理学博士学位。此后,分别在中国科学院心理研究所,美国 Thomas Jefferson University  (Dept. of Neurology),以及University of Pennsylvania (Dept. of Bioengineering) 从事博士后研究,并获中国博士后科学基金(2012)及 American Epilepsy Society Postdoctoral Research Fellowship(2018)等多项资助。




· 欢迎优秀本科生申请实习,开展大学生研究计划等。

· 招收科学学位硕士生、硕博连读生和申请审核制博士生。攻读博士学位者需要经受过基础科研训练,并具有明确的职业规划和长远目标。拥有一定的数理和编程基础的申请者优先。

·  聘用博士后,特任副研究员。申请者需拥有神经影像学研究背景,熟悉Matlab,Python或Unix语言中的至少一种,并以第一作者发表过SCI论文。申请者还需具有团队精神,在独立自主基础上,勇于通过自学与合作,积极解决个体和团队的科研问题。特任副研究员岗位原则上需要有博士后经历,或海内外著名高校毕业、科研业绩突出的博士生。




   Matthew Cieslak, Philip A Cook, Xiaosong He, Fang-Cheng Yeh, Thijs Dhollander, Azeez Adebimpe, Geoffrey K Aguirre, Danielle S Bassett, Richard F Betzel, Josiane Bourque, Laura Cabral, Christos Davatzikos, John Detre, Eric Earl, Mark A Elliott, Shreyas Fadnavis, Damien A Fair, Will Foran, Panagiotis Fotiadis, Eleftherios Garyfallidis, Barry Giesbrecht, Reuben C Gur, Raquel E Gur, Max Kelz, Anisha Keshavan, Bart S Larsen, Beatriz Luna, Allyson P Mackey, Michael Milham, Desmond J Oathes, Anders Perrone, Adam R Pines, David R Roalf, Adam Richie-Halford, Ariel Rokem, Valerie Sydnor, Tinashe M Tapera, Ursula A Tooley, Jean M Vettel, Jason Yeatman, Scott T Grafton, Theodore D Satterthwaite. (2021) QSIPrep: An integrative platform for preprocessing and reconstructing diffusion MRI. Nature Methods, accepted.

    Xiaosong He, Ganne Chaitanya, Burcu Asma, Danielle S. Bassett, Joseph I. Tracy, Michael R. Sperling. (2020) Disrupted basal ganglia—thalamocortical loops in focal to bilateral tonic-clonic seizures. Brain 143(1):175-190. * Cover Article

    Lorenzo Caciagli, Luke Allen, Xiaosong He, Karin Trimmel, Sjoerd B. Vos, Maria Centeno, Marian Galovic, Meneka K. Sidhu, Pamela J. Thompson, Danielle S. Bassett, Gavin P. Winston, John S. Duncan, Matthias J. Koepp, Michael R. Sperling. (2020) Thalamus and focal to bilateral seizures: a multi-scale cognitive imaging study. Neurology 95(17):e2427-e2441.

4   Karolina Finc, Kamil Bonna, Xiaosong He, David M. Lydon-Staley, Simone Kuhn, Wlodzislaw Duch, Danielle S. Bassett. (2020) Dynamic reconfiguration of functional brain networks during working memory training. Nature Communications, 11(1):2435.

5.  Xiaosong He, Danielle S. Bassett, Ganne Chaitanya, Michael R. Sperling, Lauren Kozlowski, Joseph I. Tracy. (2018) Disrupted dynamic network reconfiguration of the language system in temporal lobe epilepsy. Brain 141(5):1375-1389.

    Xiaosong He, Gaelle E. Doucet, Dorian Pustina, Michael R. Sperling, Ashwini Sharan, Joseph I. Tracy. (2017) Presurgical thalamic “hubness” predicts surgical outcome in temporal lobe epilepsy. Neurology 88(24):2285-2293.

    Ying Wang, Ning Ma, Xiaosong He, Nan Li, Zhengde Wei, Lizhang Yang, Rujing Zha, Long Han, Xiaoming Li, Daren Zhang, Ying Liu, Xiaochu Zhang. (2017) Neural substrates of updating the prediction through prediction error during decision making. NeuroImage 157:1-12.

    Xiaosong He, Gaelle E. Doucet, Michael R. Sperling, Ashwini Sharan, Joseph I. Tracy. (2015) Reduced thalamocortical functional connectivity in temporal lobe epilepsy. Epilepsia 56(10):1571-1579. 

